Study Help Essay Questions

1. The Telemachus subplot is a traditional coming-of-age story. What standard elements does this subplot share with other coming-of-age stories? Why and in what way does the prince change? 2. Consider two of the following as symbols — Odysseus’ great bow, the shroud that Penelope weaves for Laertes, the island […]

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Homer Biography

The Homeric Question After well over 2,500 years, we still cannot say for sure who created the Odyssey, exactly how it was composed, or precisely when it was written. Even though there is little autobiographical information in the epic and not much else to go on, we can make some […]

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Character Analysis Circe and Calypso

The two goddesses with whom Odysseus has extended affairs are similar in that Circe is a devastatingly beautiful goddess-enchantress and Calypso is a devastatingly beautiful goddess-nymph; but they contrast in their motives toward and treatment of Odysseus. After Odysseus (following Hermes’ advice) initially conquers Circe, she does everything she can […]

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